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How it works: 

  1. Login to this site, create a login or reset password. (this is different than the AAGD member password)
  2. Industry professionals nominate peer/employee, industry partner, or property for an award.
  3. Make your nominations "click here to nominate".
  4. Enter your information
  5. Select category
  6. Enter the name and email of the person, property, or partner you would like to nominate. 
  7. Submit the form. 
  8. We will email the newly nominated candidate, notifying them of your nomination with a link to the application. 
  9. Nominations close December 3, 2024.
  10. Candidates who receive a nomination will have till January 17, 2025 to complete the application. 

Applications are due by January 17, 2025 at midnight. 

Nominees, click the category below to complete your application. 



Award Categories

Below are the quick links to the applications. (you must be nominated to apply)

There are 21 different award categories, each listed below and linked to the application for the category. The criteria for the award is stated at the top. You must first be nominated before applying for the award. If you have any questions, email Chelsea Lindstrom clindstrom@aagdallas.com

Quick Links to Award Applications for nominees.